Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tackling the Lindemic


Why has the entire sports world come to a screeching halt for an undrafted basketball player from Harvard?

Why is the Leader of the Free World making public comments about this mystery man? (For the record I nearly gagged when I got a text from ESPN NBA saying that President Obama said that this man's recent success "transcends the sport.")

Why did I just get a text from ESPN saying that he just got 10 points and 13 assists? And why does he get the front page on for this "accomplishment"? This was against the Sacramento Kings. I do not care who you are but that should not get that much attention, but again...he is Jeremy Lin (I refuse to use the term "Linsanity."Any take on the word "insanity" is trademarked by Vince Carter. This is "Vinsanity.")

Jeremy Lin is being hailed as the Messiah of Basketball for New York. I know for a fact that he single-handedly saved Mike D'Antoni's job. He has been the biggest part of a desperately needed 7 game win streak for the Knicks while both Carmelo Anthony and Amare Stoudamire were not playing. I cannot argue that he has brought a consistant buzz and excitement to Madison Square Garden that has not existed there for years. In these 7 games he has averaged 24.4 points and 9.1 assists per game. That's very impressive. The teams he's played though over that same span are about as good as Nicki Minaj's Grammy performance. They have a combined win percentage of .383 with the only good team, and I use that term very hesitantly, is the Los Angeles Lakers. I will give him all the credit in the world for inducing a Mike Breen "BAAAANG!" on Asian Heritage Night in Toronto (strange how they plan things that way...).

Did it only take us a week with football to become so deprived that we needed to create a folkhero? I am very happy for Jeremy Lin and his recent successes but let's stop drinking the purple Kool-Aid for a second and step back and really examine this thing. Is there a chance he can come even close to sustaining this kind of stat-line for 5 games? Sure I could maybe see that. But 15? Or 30? Or into the playoffs? There's just no way. Teams will start to get film on him and play him to his weaknesses like going left or they will try and counter his exceptional ability to split the high pick and roll and go to the basket.

The obvious comparison that has been brought up is Tim Tebow. Both guys were just "not suppose" to succeed in their respective sports but both of them succeeded when they were actually given a fighting chance to show the world what they could do in the spotlight.  Now having said that Lin is producing on a much, much higher level on a much more consistant basis. Lin actually had the same field goals made to attempted (9-20) in his sixth start as Tebow did completions in pass attempts in his sixth start (wait why am I bringing this up...thou shalt not speak of Tebow in vain). Anyways what I'm trying to say is that this level of play can only last for so long. People figure you out pretty easily and then it's the player's job to beat the defender when the defender knows what you are going to do. And you forget that The Center of the Galaxy has yet to be on the same floor as Lin. Carmelo Anthony is a black hole. Lin will NEVER be able to shoot the ball more than 12 times a game at most, which means he will not be able to get to the free throw line were he has thrived so far.

Listen I want Lin to do well and this Linsanity has legitimate legs thanks to the vomiting ESPN has done since this has started. I mean I guess there is only so much you can talk about in today's 24/7 news cycle. But give it a little rest, a little time to marinate before we are crowning Lin as a "miracle" or "savior" for the sport. Come talk to me when he CARRIES his team to the Finals. Or even the playoffs. Or even this level of play for 10 more games.  He has done nothing to deserve any of this over the top credit yet. He's playing well and was misevaluated by NBA scouts. He will never be more than a run-of-the-mill starting point guard. Everyone needs to calm down and breathe, it will all be okay. It will all be over before you know it.

(If you have wondered why my blog posts have been lacking in quantity lately, 3 tests and a 6 page paper in one week will do that to you. School does actually exist despite popular belief. I also received a bid from Delta Kappa Epsilon and have started the pledge process. It has been the best decision in my life and I'm looking forward to the lasting brotherhood that I am now part of, after initiation of course. Expect a more consistant posting schedule in the future)


  1. im glad you write so much when you post. that being said, i took the time to read what you had to say. your arguments about lin lack substance.

    But give it a little rest, a little time to marinate before we are crowning Lin as a "miracle" or "savior" for the sport. Come talk to me when he CARRIES his team to the Finals. Or even the playoffs. Or even this level of play for 10 more games. He has done nothing to deserve any of this over the top credit yet. He's playing well and was misevaluated by NBA scouts. He will never be more than a run-of-the-mill starting point guard. Everyone needs to calm down and breathe, it will all be okay. It will all be over before you know it.

    like are you serious? watch him continue he is only IMPROVING. this is your blog so post as you like. i wish you luck in the sports management industry buddy. maybe you should start paying a little more attention.

  2. I have been...and that's what I wrote about. Not sure what's wrong here.

  3. You can't just criticize his argument as "lacking substance" and then copy and past a chunk of his text as proof. Your comments might hold merit, but maybe you should support them with your own assertions instead of Jacob's.

    All I have to say about Lin is that he has put on a fantastic performance in the last seven games. I think judging by those, we can at least conclude that he will be an above average player in the NBA; he has a future. With that said, I agree in that he won't continue putting up super star level numbers.

  4. Idk how you can show so much support for tebow when he doesnt produce and then bash on a guy that does produce. lin is a TRUE underdog. tim tebow was a 2x national champ and a heisman trophy winner at a football powerhouse. lin played at harvard, went undrafted, and has been cut twice.

  5. you failed to mention the current cover of Sports Illustrated has entered the Lin follies(probably too busy "reading" the Swimsuit Edition with your local Michigan gal on the cover. What sorority is she in there!

  6. As much as I dislike Mark Cuban, he got this one right...if Lin was playing in Charlotte...Toronto...anywhere but NYC... this is a non-story.

    The last time the Knicks won a championship your father had a jump shot...wait, your father never had a jump shot...just a two handed set shot with one foot in the air...embarrassing...anyway, I digress...

    LIn is a the product of a desperate NYC media that can make or break you in an instant. Enjoy the spotlight JL...when you come back to down to earth it could be a nasty fall.

    You did make one comment that I must take exception to: ". He will never be more than a run-of-the-mill starting point guard."

    After watching him play, I think he is more that a "run-of-the-mill" type player. I think he will be a quality PG in this league...probably not an all star...but an effective floor general on a team so desperate for something positive its willing to embrace an Asian/American point guard from Harvard as it new messiah.

    Good luck parting the Miami Heat in the playoffs.

    Glad you will have a lifetime of cherished memories watching your brothers vomiting on each other...always covered!

    And finally to "anonymous" time a person like you decides to comment on Mr. Nierob's column, I suggest you first do the following:

    1: Put down the "love wanted" section of the Advocate...
    2: Turn down your Liza Minnelli cd...
    3: Turn off Will & Grace...
    4: Stop starring at your Justin Beiber poster...
    5: And finally...this is going to be the hardest one of all for you...Politely ask Richard Simmons to put on his shorts and leave!

    After completing these steps maybe you can focus on what JN actually wrote BEFORE you comment.!


    1. right on Alby. Tell it like it is.

  7. alby, you always watched my jump shot go it as you were the one whose face got burned each time. Grossbard played better D than you. How's it feel to have a daughter and son who can take you to the hoop everytime and embarrass you on the court just like we used to do in High School.

  8. The only time you saw a basketball court was when Steve Craig told you to pick up his ball when he was done shooting...WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO FOOL...Andy Licht was more of an impact player than you.

    You should change your name form:

    By the 10 year old had five 3 pointers on Sunday playing against 13year olds...too bad you weren't guarding him...would of had a few more.

    I liked you better when you called yourself "anonymous"!

    How did a column by your brilliant son turn into a pissing contest between us!!!! I love it ...nothing changes...just the venue!!

    You play with the get the horns....pull my horn out of your ass...if you can!!!

